Friday, May 3, 2019

The End of a(nother) Beautiful Chapter

I have been writing this blog in my head for the past year. I have almost written it several times, but then something has always held me back. Now, I believe it is finally time to be shared. My chapter in the Dominican Republic is coming to a close. I thought it would be best to end this blog the way I started: with an end to a beautiful chapter.

Over the past 4 years, God has changed my life in so many ways. I am different because of my time here. It is so exciting and amazing for me to look back over the past years and see how through this wonderful, tremendous, and sometimes scary experience God has enriched my life in so many ways. The Dominican Republic has changed me. I can see that through my blogs and through my journals. I am more patient, more independent, more self-assured and more understanding of differences because of this experience and I don't believe I would have been able to build those skills anywhere else. I am floored that God "cared enough" about me to web these different experiences together so that I could grow as a person.

Now, after 4 years, I have come to the realization that the gong beats again. It is time for me to go back home, find permanence and invest in a community. I am so excited, but also terrified as you can rightly imagine. I know deep down to my core that this is the right move, but again, it is hard to say goodbye. My prayer this whole year has been ending well; finishing my time here without regrets. I have been granted my wish "bittersweetly" as this year the stars have aligned and  I have had the best students, the best assistant, the best teaching partner and the very best roommates anyone could ask for. It will be hard to say goodbye to some of the best people this side of heaven.

Surprisingly, I have felt a lot of peace about looking for a job in Michigan. I prayed that God would open doors and slam them shut as he saw fit and I would be solely at his mercy. Luckily (or unluckily) I have a tendency to talk too much during interviews and put my proverbial foot in my mouth, so I knew that if I was offered a job it would most likely be on God's grace alone. 

Many schools hire teachers before June and I knew that to give it my best shot I would need to interview in person vs. via Skype. After looking at my school calendar for a long weekend, I discovered that my birthday, my niece's birthday as well as Dominican labor day all fell within the same weekend, so it was the perfect time to book a trip home. I had planned a school visit with one school and the day I was traveling, I received an email from another school that they wanted me to come in to teach a lesson. So, while juggling birthdays, buying a bridesmaid's dress, traveling and completing my master's assignments, I planned a lesson for the interview. 

I was applying for a third grade position, but it turned out that the principal of the K-2 building for the same district was on the interview committee and decided that I was a good candidate for his school. Without an interview for the position or even a one-on-one discussion, he extended me a job offer to teach 2nd grade at his school. (I would like to thank my references for having my back on this one as I know that he reached out to them and they knew about the job offer before I did.)

I am excited to announce that after talking with my sister, my jubilant parents and my friends, I have decided to accept the 2nd grade position in Williamston Michigan and will be moving there come July. I am so excited for this next step and want to thank all of you for your prayers. I am so very humbled. Please continue to pray that God would use my life and where I will be in Williamston for His kingdom and His glory. Amen. 


  1. 😭😭😭 Happy and sad tears. On to the next chapter!

  2. Wonderful blog, as always (worth my checking into Facebook for a once in awhile look I'm allowing myself). Wonderful News! Congratulations! Wow! Now I'll have to look up where Williamston is! May the ending well continue well....

  3. Congratulations! What a beautiful farewell. So glad that God enriched your life so much the past four years and I know you enriched the lives of all your students. On to the next wonderful chapter.
