Before going into this year, I knew that it would be my last. My goal of the year was ending well. Unfortunately, or fortunately, God answered my prayer a little too well and this year was the best year yet. So, I want to recap my favorite parts of this final "senior" year.

Going into this year, I did not know what to expect of my living situation. I was told I would be living with two "newbies" to the country, but did not have a lot of other information on them. I hoped we would get along, might even become friends, but I never could have predicted that at the end of the year, they would have become as close as sisters. Lightning struck twice with these two. In our sisterhood, I was the legs, leading the way, up for almost any adventure, Avery was the head/brains of the operations, making sure we did things right, and also directionally savvy and Haley was all heart, doing everything with so much zest and energy.
I am so thankful for both of them, for not only the BIG ADVENTURES, we had, but also the quiet moments in the house where we just supported each other and were there no matter what. I am thankful for taco Tuesday nights that became taco whenever nights. I am thankful for movie nights and Property Brothers. I am thankful for dance routines and the pranks (mostly I was the instigator). I am thankful for FUDGE that Avery can skillfully craft and I am thankful that I found women like me. ;)
2. School Life

This was my second year teaching first grade. Our students were super energetic, but we loved them. I had the best assistant anyone could ask for in Miss Leslie. We were a great team and she loved playing with the students just as much as I did. We had dance parties with the students during Valentine's Day and loved learning how to spin beyblades and how to play their version of tag at recess. Being a teacher is a hard job, but these 15 little ones made this year special. When you love your job, you never work a day in your life.
3. Visitors

I was so lucky this year to have people visit me. In March, Bryant and Courtney came to visit me for a long weekend. It was Bryant's first time out of the country. I was humbled by the amount of trust and faith they had in me to show them the sights of the Dominican Republic without knowing the language well or having Dominican pesos. I got to show them some of my favorite beaches, waterfalls and food. It is so much fun when a piece of home comes and visits you, so I appreciate the time and trust it took to come and see me.

In April, Angela came all the way from Spain. I hadn't seen her since before I left for the Dominican Republic, so it was a special treat to see her. While, I taught she explored the city of Santo Domingo and figured out the bus system and subway system better than I have ever done. She is fearless.
We got to explore Santo Domingo together and then spend spring break together. We went to Las Terrenas, my favorite beach location. Then we went to Jarabacoa, my favorite city. In Jarabacoa, we had the opportunity to go canyoning, ride motos and visit waterfalls.

Finally, at the end of the year, my parents came to visit me and help me pack up. It was an emotional couple of days for me, and I appreciated that they were there. I love this picture on the right, it is of me and my mom walking the beach in Punta Cana for our last day there. I could not have done this journey; started it nor completed it without their constant prayers and support. I know my parents sacrificed a lot having me so far from home, but they never once asked me to come home early. They let me do this journey on my own time schedule and were there for the midnight phone calls, tax questions and prayer requests. This journey ended the way it started. 4 years ago, they drove scared little me to the airport for my first trip to the Dominican Republic, now they walked me to the airport to bring me home.
4. Firsts

Even after being here for 3 years prior, I had many firsts this years.
In November, we went to Bahia de Las Aguilas for the first time. We went with Melissa, and Avery's brother Derek. Bahia de Las Aguilas was not as wonderful as I had hoped, but I loved the company and we even discovered some hidden waterfalls that made the trip worth it.

In March, Melissa found a whale watching excursion for us to go on. I had never been on whale watching trip, and after a very bouncy speedboat ride over the waves, we saw many many whales. It was so fun to see them and even more to hear Kim scream about how excited she was :D
In April, Angela convinced Sondra and I to try surfing for the first time. We decided to opt out of lessons and just follow what Angela was doing. We never got up, but did ride on our bellies on several waves. What I didn't know was that it is hard to get off the waves once you are on them, so there were several moments of going full speed on my belly with the sand quickly approaching. Had to learn to bail ship fast.
In May, we tried an adventure called Cola de Pato. It ended up being canyoning on steriods. I loved it, but it definitely pumped the adrenaline. It had recently rained so everything was slippery and there were several parts where we had to "cliff jump." I'm so proud of these adventure buddies though who were troopers through everything.

In May, we also went horseback riding. Now it may not have been my first time ever going horseback riding, but it was the first time over the age of seven. I was very nervous, but luckily our horses knew what they were doing and were not spooked easily. Kim's horse might have wandered off the most and Melissa's horse might have refused to give up the lead without a hard gallop, but it was still super fun, even as our horses did their best to break their galloping personal records when we hit the beach.

In June, I went snorkeling for the first time with my dad. I had never been snorkeling before, but after going, I don't know why I haven't gone sooner. It was so fun. The guide gave us bread in the water to feed the fish that swam by. Also, he would put star fish and sea urchins in our hands to look at under the water. At one point, there were sunken speedboats and benches that we could swim down and sit in sort of like an underwater amusement park.
5. Lasts

This year was also a year of lasts, my last time in specific cities, my last day of last day living with these tremendous girls and traveling with them on a daily basis. It is the last page of this last chapter. This is my last blog for the Dominican Republic. Now it is time for a new chapter, a turning of the page. There have been tears and there will be more as I say goodbye to this beautiful country and these beautiful people, but I know God has a plan that is too wonderful for me to even comprehend.
Thank you for being a part of this journey with me either in person or in spirit. I appreciate all of the support. It has been quite a journey. To end this final blog, I leave you with this blessing wherever you are and wherever you may go
[May]the Lord bless you and keep you...[May] the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. [May] the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.-Numbers 6:24-26