Saturday, March 18, 2017

Future Plans

As I feel my time in Jarabacoa is drawing to a close, I've really been praying and struggling over future decisions. Where will I be in 5 months from now? As a born planner and a teacher to boot, it's been hard to not know where the future is heading as it looms closer and closer. I've loved my time here in Jarabacoa, but I've really felt that it's time to move on and continue moving forward. My options have been Santo Domingo or Michigan. where there are more opportunities to grow as a teacher and of course being closer to people I care about. 

International schools hire much sooner than Michigan schools, so I had to start applying for schools in November. I think the best advice I got was that interviews puts the process in God's hands and allow him to open and close doors where needed. I started out interviewing at one school and I was discouraged after my second interview after talking with some of the teachers about the curriculum. I just felt I wouldn't be a good fit there. 

I had an interview with another school and I liked it though there seemed to be few American teachers and I was curious if I would stand out. I really loved the area the school was located in, as it was in the "heart" of downtown and the area where many embassies, restaurants and malls were within walking distance. It was also considered one of the safest parts of the city. 

I stumbled across another school by chance while googling schools in Santo Domingo. I had never heard of it before, but it was a Christian School located in the capital. I sent them an email asking for more information. They invited me for a Skype interview and a week later I visited their campus to discover that it was in the same safe area as the other school. A week after the Skype interview, they offered me a one year contract as a first grade teacher as well as providing housing close enough to the school to walk. 

With the offer on the table, it definitely put time lines down and put a little pressure on the decision making. With one week to make a decision, God provided people in my life to offer great advice and prayer  including my bible study girls and my parents. I am so grateful for everyone behind the scenes. I really don't deserve the people God has put in my life to back me up, but I realized those blessings are the pure definition of His grace and love. 

 I decided to accept the position. Though, I'm apprehensive about moving to the big city and teaching first grade for the first time in my life. I really feel peace with this decision and that God has a hand in it. I'm so thankful for all the people who have been praying with me through this decision. Please continue to pray as I prepare for this new exciting chapter.