Turning quarter of a century old couldn't have been more jam packed with surprises and fun than what it was. I was told that I would have a busy day, but I never expected the birthday I got.
It started out on Monday when my students told me there was "something they weren't supposed to tell me." After the many indiscreet whispered huddles that stopped and started based off my proximity and of course the kid who told me "I'm bringing cups," I was pretty confident by Wednesday that something was going down. It's hard to be discreet when you're ten, it's not who gets to keep the surprise the longest, but who gets to tell the teacher that matters. Anyways, even though I did know or was aware of something going down at lunch, I still was surprised and overwhelmed by the amount of love and of course the "confetti" that ended up being hole punch circles that I still am finding in my hair. Also, the size of this gigantic pink chocolate cake!!
After school, I was told to not make plans, but that my afternoon was already planned out. Since no one seemed to know what I was doing (yes I admit to talking to several people to see if they just knew) I figured it was going to be something simple. I was told that my night would involve my three favorite things: food , family and friends and unfortunately sometimes it probably really does go in that order, especially if ice cream or pastelitos or oyster crackers are involved. First stop was my favorite restaurant where I got to eat pastelitos and empanadas. DELICIOUS!!
The second place we went was the Rosalias and got the most delicious orange popsicle ever and found out that Rovian had gone to the grocery store and purchased all of my favorite foods. YUM!! Then of course, game night which involved me losing three straight games of Rummikub. So, I suppose ever since turning 25 I haven't won a single game...that's unfortunate. Anyways, it was still very nice.
Then for the final stage I was blindfolded, so I didn't know where I was going and anyone who knows anything about me, knows that I am directionally challenged, so I had absolutely no sense of where I was. All I knew was that I was climbing a lot of stairs and then I was left standing somewhere with a hard edge to the left of me. At the time, I was convinced I was outside in a park somewhere at the start of some maze and that I would have to wind my way through things or that one step would send me down a hill. I was very chatty and I found out after the blindfold was removed that I was standing in a doorway, surrounded by people.....laughing. There was food, and the highlight of the night was definitely Karaoke and the performance by all of us on "My Heart will Go ON" in spanish. especially belting out the chorus with everything we got.
Titanic Spanish Version
Titanic Spanish Version